Friday, February 14, 2014

Reflection 4

  1. Discuss the potential pitfalls in project design.

When designing or finding a project there are many things to take into consideration. Remember what your goals and objective are for the unit, be on the lookout for long activities with little to know outcomes, dressed up versions of research, trivial thematic units, and long multiple step projects that produce little to no outcomes and do not meet the set goals and objectives. Also remember the students in your classroom, their strengths, weaknesses, thinking and learning styles, and we as differentiated learning instructions.

  1. Discuss the features of a good project.

Projects that are good whether developed or found should have student interactions, flexibility, problem solving, real world connections, language skills, and be able to produce outcomes that are measureable.

  1. Discuss where project ideas come from.

Project ideas come from collaboration with teachers, students, individuals outside of school, really they come from anywhere. Project ideas are not hard to find, but constructing a lesson plan that will be successful in all parts is.

  1. Discuss the steps to design a project.

Review the framework that you have set up for the project; learning objectives, standards, 21st century skills, and purpose. Then figure out what you want your students to walk away with knowing after this project, will this impact or affect their lives today, tomorrow or further down the road? Discover the project theme or biggest challenge. Finally, how will you get your students excited about this project.

  1. Discussion on how concepts in this chapter relate to your topic/project.

This chapter helped me to take a step back from the huge project we have to start to divide it up into smaller pieces. I know what I want the outcome to be but I also need to know how I will be taking the first steps towards success.


  1. I agree with you about the features that make a good project. I also liked how you explained the steps to design a project.

  2. I think you're right about how it relates to our project. And you're right to say breaking up a large project is important and beneficial

  3. There was a lot in this chapter that could relate to your topic. I also felt as though I needed to focus more on the little parts of our big event because I hadn't put much thought into how many lessons I could create for the event. Now I am struggling to come up with them!
