Friday, February 7, 2014

Reading Reflection #3

1. Discussion on what should be considered in finding “the Big Idea” for a project.
We learn that the more complex an idea is, the better suited it is for the 21st century project treatment. You can find the big ideas in the table of contents, curriculum standards, or even by asking colleges. Once you identify these big concepts you want the students to understand, figure out why these concepts are important.  What is their application or relevance in real life? Who outside of school pays attention to this fundamental idea? When students think about what affect their project has on their community, they become more involved and interested.

2. Discussion on the 2lst Century skills.
The book describes 21st century skills as thinking beyond subject mastery. It says a well designed project causes students to stretch their intellectual muscles in ways traditional learning activities may not. Bloom asks how your project can evolves using the following skills: analyze, evaluate, and create.

3. Discussion on the 21st Century literacies.
A well done project can prepare students for activities in the real world using the tools they have learned to better their community. 21st century literacies come down to students learning to be independent, aware, and productive citizens. 21st century literacies are based off of visual and technological literacies.

4. Discussion on each of the essential learning functions.
-Ubiquity: giving students the opportunity to learn inside and outside the classroom
-Deep Learning: Using higher order thinking to go beyond "filtered" information to come up with your own answers
-Making Things Visible and Discussable: Tools like google earth, flickr, and other digital tools to show more than tell
-Expressing Ourselves: Using the social media to find ways to expand your thinking and analize other's work
-Collaboration: Working with others
-Research: Learning to filter through an abundence of information given to us through search engines
-Project Management: Teaching students to manage time, work, give feedback, make drafts, and manage products
-Reflection: How will this project help in the real world

5. Discussion on how concepts in this chapter relate to your topic/project.
This relates to our topic because staying healthy is much older than a 21st century concept. But it has evolved through people coming up with projects and considering how it will benefit the real world.  Each of the learning functions is essential for any project because they teach us how to think beyond a normal graded project.

1 comment:

  1. Figuring out what will benefit learners in the real world is extremely important! I like how you linked thinking beyond a normal graded project! That is such a great way to look at the project, it shows students that there is a reason behind what they are learning.
