Friday, February 21, 2014

1. Staring an assignment with your students you need to consider having and taking a look at your inventory and see what supplies, tools, or other materials are available at school or offered by your parent community and other supporters.  It is always try to use resources already available to you instead of dipping into your own funds. You could get help from parents by sending out a email newsletter wishlist.  Parents are always eager to help! You also have to think about technology you may need to teach or remind students of and plan out extra instruction time for teaching it, One last example is to think about virtual field trips or be sure to set up videoconferencing before and test it out before your students do.

2. I like the idea of always teaching students to become effective managers of their own time.  Time-management has, in my opinion, has become a serious issue our society and youth lacks.  Students don't know how to manage their time correctly because social media takes over their life.  To teach time management to students, plan calendar projects with milestones, along the way.  Share the calendar frequently and make deadlines visual to students. You can also chunk big tasks into smaller more manageable pieces. It is also a good idea to share your planning with parents. Ultimately this process benefits teachers as well as students, because all the components to a a project is well organized in an online environment.

3. Some web-based applications that could be used in projects are:

  • Wiki- easily edited web page; works well with collaborations
  • Blogging- viewers can comment on postings; great tool for communication about progress or milestone.
  • Drupal & Textpattern- web spaces combined with content management frame work and blogging engine
  • Personal Web Pages- easy way for student to build their own virtual offices on the Web; this can include Yahoo, Google, Netvibes, and payflakes. 
4. I like the idea of teacher students time-management with large technology  projects.  I really like the idea of breaking big projects into littler chunks and giving them deadlines.


  1. The email newsletter wishlist is such a great idea. It not only helps with funding for projects, but helps the families to get involved and then they can see the importance of what the students are learning. It is also a good point to avoid dipping into your own funds, because there will be so many projects during the course of a career, that it would be impossible and unnecessary to do so.

  2. I can agree with you on many people not knowing how to be in control of their own time management. I myself have a hard time sticking to a schedule where everything is planned out according to time. I think time management is essential as a teachers as well because we will have to cover so many different areas in one day. We cant spend to much time on one certain thing, and completely lose our focus. I do think social media does take up our time and most of us dont know how to turn it off or control how long we are on social sites. Its a hard thing to do we should teach our students this skill so that they can begin learning how to manage their time well at a early age.
